Leadership is largely a relational endeavor. To lead effectively, one must have a keen sense of self-awareness. leaderLIFE Certification Training will open doors to self-discovery at the soul level, and equip you to relate effectively with those you lead. Upon completion of the course the participant will qualify for certification which provides the following benefits:
- A license with TotalSDI to facilitate three powerful psychometric inventories in the context of your community (a $3,700 value)
- Three complete courses to implement training for all your church members (Church Tool Box)
- leaderLIFE for your leaders
- groupLIFE for your small groups
- memberLIFE for all your members
- You will experience transformation in these three areas (5 year study with demonstrable results to be published in 2018)
- You will grow significantly in your soul identity which is foundational to spiritual growth
- You will grow significantly in your ability to relate to others and reduce conflict
- You will be able to navigate conflict with confidence and insight
- A thoroughly Biblical understanding of the soul and a pathway to deeper discipleship and understanding of the Gospel
- Even though this is not a marriage course, we promise you that your understanding of your spouse will soar and your marriage will improve
- Your learning will be applied to eight key leadership functions of a pastor
This two and a half day course is delivered in an active adult learning model which is participatory. You will take three separate inventories prior to the course which will be unpacked in the context of the learning environment. This course has consistently received 4.9 stars by participants.
Registration cost is $150.