A Story of Hope from Neighborhood Church

Neighborhood Church has an ongoing partnership with Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless.  One aspect of that is providing bagged breakfasts once a month and a hot dinner once a quarter to the local men's emergency shelter in our neighborhood.  This Thanksgiving Day, we committed to providing brunch for 150 men at the shelter, but we invited our surrounding community to partner with us.  Seven households from our church and six households from the community worked together to pull this off.  We also received a call from the local Lions Club, who heard about what we were doing, and chose to give a monetary donation. When we posted an update on "Operation Thanksgiving Brunch" on the local Facebook group (using a picture from someone in our community), it received over fifty "likes" and positive comments. We are grateful for the ways that God is giving us favor in our neighborhood, and are praying that this leads to conversations about Him and people saying "yes" to Jesus.