Presidential Nomination Form
/From the Executive Office
See attachment for the Presidential Nomination Form 2021–2025.
As you may know, during General Council 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee (May 31–June 3), a presidential election will take place. The C&MA Presidential Election Sub-Committee consists of the three officers of the Council Nominations Committee (chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary) and three members appointed from among the C&MA Board of Directors. This committee began working in May to gather information as directed by the Manual of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. The Committee appreciates your prayers for this very important task. We eagerly desire to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit and have the mind of Christ as we seek to serve the Lord in this capacity.
The Presidential Search Committee invites you to submit names to be considered for the Office of President for the term of August 1, 2021–July 31, 2025. We ask that you secure the person’s approval to enter the process before submitting his name. Submissions should include the name of the person being nominated, his current contact information, the name of the C&MA church where he is an active member, and a statement that the person nominated has indeed given his permission to be considered for the Office of President. Please also include your full name, your current contact information, and where you are an active C&MA church member. A form for the nominator to submit is attached.
Submissions of the names of persons willing to be considered need to be received no later than December 1, 2020. All submissions should be sent to the chairperson of the Presidential Election Sub-Committee, Robert E. Zimmermann, at
It is the understanding of the Presidential Search Committee that President John P. Stumbo is desirous of running for another four-year term as president. It is our desire to be faithful to the process as outlined in the Manual of the C&MA.
Sincerely in Christ,
2021 Presidential Election Sub-Committee:
Rev. Robert E. Zimmermann, chairperson
Ms. Jennifer K. Ashby, Board of Directors
Rev. Jonathan A. Wiggins, vice-chair
Rev. Tae S. (Ted) Kang, Board of Directors
Mrs. Kimberly R. Thomas, secretary
Rev. Scott G. Slocum, Board of Directors